A 1-on-1 program for anyone who wants to have the RIGHT foundation when you’re out there dating (so you can end up with the right partner!)
…while having more confidence in the process…
…and enjoying it a whole lot more!
Do you intend to have the love of your life…
…sooner, rather than later?
Then you’re in the right place!
You’ve had it with the disastrous experiences dating, right?
You want to figure it out, get it right, and get it right – NOW.
“I’m so glad I took your program. I never let go of my Blueprint and kept it in my head on every date I went on. Two months ago… I met an amazing man who I have no doubt is my soulmate. We have met each other’s kids and families! We couldn’t be happier and I can’t thank you enough for teaching me so much!” – Lisa, MA
You would never have your home built without having a blueprint for the builder to go by, would you?
Of course not!
But so many people (and I was definitely in this camp for most of my dating history!) date using criteria that they don’t even understand.
What you want to use is something that is always going to be true about you – and what you want in a mate, and in your life – no matter what’s going on.
No matter how much chemistry you feel with that person…
No matter how scared of ending up alone you are…
No matter how much pressure your family is putting on you…
No matter WHAT!
So what is this Blueprint Foundation program?
We work together, over the phone and at your own pace, so that you end up with:
- The qualities that are essential for you to have in your mate – this will keep you from being derailed, no matter how hot (…or not) they are!;
- The lifestyle you must create with your partner, in order for your life to work for you – this will save you from being dragged into what someone else thinks is a good life!
For the past 18 years, I’ve been helping women and men do this work who want to have a scrumptious relationship – and who want it as fast as possible!
By the way, everything I’ll have you doing in this program I’ve done myself. I went from being a dating (and marriage) disaster, to married to Craig, the love of my life (and husband of 21 years now)!
This stuff WORKS!
Imagine getting to a place where you’re:
- Trusting that that the men you’ll be spending time with are great candidates for what you really want in your life.
- Unstoppable!
“I took your classes, and felt, ‘She’s not talking to me with all that hope. I’m old, I’m fat, it’s over!’ Still, I put my picture up on Match.com, and wrote my profile as if I was writing to the exact person I wanted to find. I was almost to the end of the sixth month when I started communicating with Peter. That was in January.
Today he asked me to marry him.
Who knew anyone existed with all those qualifications? To answer my own question, YOU DID! You told me he was out there, and taught me how to find him.
I can never thank you enough.” – V.A.
Want to get started? Here’s how to sign up:
Your investment in having a solid foundation for choosing the love of your life:
Click here to pay in full: $249
Love and success,
P.S. If after our first call you don’t think this is for you, I’ll refund your money. What have you got to lose?