This issue of "Scrumptious Relationships" is inspired by this question, sent in by Susan: “How can I learn not get defensive and angry when my fiancé tells me what to do, and how to do it? He’s very intelligent, an engineer by education, also younger than me. I know...
A Surprising(?) Benefit of Gratitude
This week is Thanksgiving here in the U.S. and a great time to think about gratitude. And one of the most amazing things about "wanting what you have"...check it out in the video below.
Yes, You DID Sign Up For This (…he’s that same man!)
Do you ever hear a woman claim "I did NOT sign up for this!"? (Has it been you?) This week's video tip helps you have better perspective...and gives you a remember why you "signed up for this", and get to have more warm and fuzzy feelings about your man.
Make Sure to Celebrate What You’re Getting Right!
You work so hard, you try to get it right, and that's all will pay off hugely. But, it's important to celebrate and acknowledge what's going well and that you're getting things right!
Cure Attacks of ‘Ms.Cranky-Pants’ with this One Thing
The setting this week for the video is windy, noisy, and necessary! You need to hear this message of an important way to take care of yourself.
Great Life Lesson (from the garden) – You’ll LOVE it!
A gardening project turned into an "Ah-ha!" moment, which I share with you here. It could change your life, and your relationship with your man, for the better! How can I help you with your relationship dreams?
Is Your Inner Perfectionist Kicking HIS Ass, Too?
Most of us gals have an inner critic/perfectionist, and we hear all the chatter about what's not good enough, etc., all the time. This week's video is about when that part of you turns on your man, and lets him have the same running dialogue about where he's failing....
Merry Christmas!
Craig and I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
How Being Thankful Works (Like Magic!)
We're just about to celebrate Thanksgiving here in the U.S., but no matter where you are, how about putting some attention on the ways that the men in your life have given to you, and let that fill you (all) up!