If you're human, you have stories about yourself. And some of those stories are causing you (unnecessary) pain. Today's video helps you get some perspective, change your story, and gives you a boost in the right direction.
Self Esteem
Make Sure to Celebrate What You’re Getting Right!
You work so hard, you try to get it right, and that's all wonderful...it will pay off hugely. But, it's important to celebrate and acknowledge what's going well and that you're getting things right!
Are You Being Bullied by “Having it All”? (Probably!)
I hear woman after woman describe the "right" man for her, and it (way too often) sounds like the "Having it All" tyrant is in charge.
Is Your Inner Perfectionist Kicking HIS Ass, Too?
Most of us gals have an inner critic/perfectionist, and we hear all the chatter about what's not good enough, etc., all the time. This week's video is about when that part of you turns on your man, and lets him have the same running dialogue about where he's failing....
Is Your Relationship with Yourself Paving the Way for a Relationship with a Good Man?
If your relationship with yourself isn't great, you can't have a great man love you. This week's video tip gives you two key ways to boost your own self-esteem.
Is She Keeping You From Being with a Really Good Man?
We all have "her" inside of us, and boy, does she ever want to be in charge of who you choose as a mate! This week's video will help you tame her influence over you.