Want a Man

Men Tell You What You Need to Know

Women can let their inner fixer/nurturer/giver gloss over information that a new man is revealing about himself that may be pointing to a potential for disaster. You cannot afford to miss what men are telling you!

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You Will Attract Who You Are (and who’s that?)

If you have anything on your list of what you want and need in a man that's there because you need to be rescued from having to be responsible for it yourself, you are going to get in deep trouble. This video will help you get on the right track!

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When the Dreaded “Attachment-itis” Strikes!

If you've ever focused way too much attention on a particular outcome with a man, you've experienced an attack of this dreaded disease. This video helps you steer clear, so you can stay more in tune with abundance, and with your worthiness.

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Is Fear Driving Your List?

If you're like so many women, you've got a few things on your list of requirements in a man driven by your fear, and so your focus is on what you DON'T want. And that is drawing them to you like crazy!

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Make Space for What You Want With a Man

Whether your single, or you already have your divine man, there are things you may be keeping yourself from having because you don't have the space for it to show up. This week's video will help you take a peek at what may be going on with you.

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Are You Guilty of This Bad Habit?

Do you ever throw on clothes that you hope no one ever sees you wearing, because you're just "going out for a minute", and "who cares, anyway?". This week's video will help to inspire you to find a couple of extra minutes to do that differently!

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Are Your Body Issues Holding You Back?

If you're like most women, you compare your body to some ideal, and find it "not good enough". The danger is that you could assume men feel the same way, and they do NOT. Check out this week's Tasty Tuesday Tidbit, and get ready to fall in love with your bod!

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Are You ‘In Integrity’ With Yourself?

This week's Tasty Tuesday Tidbit addresses what so many of us grapple with: honoring our word to ourselves. And since it's got such a big impact on our relationships (all of them), it's worth checking in about where you stand.

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