How to Get More of What You Need from Men

Whether you’re single or you’re with a man, you may be like so many women: you’re often frustrated, hurt, or unhappy.

And you don’t know how to get from there, to where you want to be!

In this evening workshop, we’re going to talk about some of the built-in obstacles to having what you really want – and how to overcome them so you can feel more connection, satisfaction, and plain-old happiness with men.

Are you wondering just how the hell we’re going to get all that done in just 1-1/2 hours????

Yeah, I get how that might seem like a tall order! 

AND, as I’ve seen gazillions of times (that’s a lot of times!), when we shine a light on things that we might not fully understand…

…when we learn that what we’ve been experiencing has been coming from a lack of  understanding…

we can look at them differently, and that changes things!

I offer a favorite quote as a way to make a point here:

“We don’t see things as they are; we see things as we are.” – Anais Nin

Our shifts in perspective will definitely lead to shifts in outcome, for a variety of reasons:

1) we don’t see the things we used to see – it’s like they just disappear!

2) we relate to things differently, which causes better feelings, creating better dynamics in our relationships (which makes sense, right?)

3) we attract different circumstances because of our new outlook.

I hope you’ll join us for this evening of perspective-adjusting, so you are freed up to not only experience yourself in a different way, but freed up to experience the very best men have to offer you.

The scoop:

Date: TBA

Time: 7:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. (and I’ll be available for another 30 minutes afterward for Q&A)

Location: TBA

Cost: $30

To register, [click here]

See you there!






P.S. If you invite any friends to join you, please have them register here in advance – no walk-ins, please!

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