I get asked all the time, does online dating work? Are you one of those wondering whether or not online dating is effective for meeting people? This week's video tip helps you ask yourself a much more valuable question, and insight into your answer.
Make Sure to Celebrate What You’re Getting Right!
You work so hard, you try to get it right, and that's all wonderful...it will pay off hugely. But, it's important to celebrate and acknowledge what's going well and that you're getting things right!
Make Sure Your Efforts (and his!) Are ‘Landing’
If you're like most people, you have a particular way that you most feel loved, whether it's verbal expressions, or time together, etc. The amount of love that's being expressed in relationships - and NOT landing for the other - is astounding. This video will help...
Are You Being Bullied by “Having it All”? (Probably!)
I hear woman after woman describe the "right" man for her, and it (way too often) sounds like the "Having it All" tyrant is in charge.
Cure Attacks of ‘Ms.Cranky-Pants’ with this One Thing
The setting this week for the video is windy, noisy, and necessary! You need to hear this message of an important way to take care of yourself.
Great Life Lesson (from the garden) – You’ll LOVE it!
A gardening project turned into an "Ah-ha!" moment, which I share with you here. It could change your life, and your relationship with your man, for the better! How can I help you with your relationship dreams?
Let Him Bring More Fun Into Your Life!
If you're like most of us gals, we could really use help lightening up and having more fun. And it's so natural for men to bring it. What a win-win!
Which Type of Mirror are You?
In this week's video, I talk about the importance of knowing the harm that's caused if you're not your man's biggest fan (or at the very least, not his worst critic). It's hard to look at, and so important to see if this applies to you!
Why You Keep Attracting Unavailable Men
In this week's video tip, I help you understand why you may continue to attract unavailable men into your life. (Hint: don't be mad at the mirror!)
What Are You Using to Determine His Trustworthiness?
Trust is a very important aspect of a successful relationship. Many women use poor criteria for deciding whether or not the their man is trustworthy. Are you?
What if They’re Lying? How to Handle Dishonest Men Online
Lots of women keep themselves from taking full advantage of online dating because they're nervous about how to handle men who are not telling the truth. Check out this week's video for answers on dealing with dishonest men!
Men Tell You What You Need to Know
Women can let their inner fixer/nurturer/giver gloss over information that a new man is revealing about himself that may be pointing to a potential for disaster. You cannot afford to miss what men are telling you!
Is He REALLY Being Controlling?
Too many women get in trouble by presenting an issue without letting their guy know what they really need from him, setting up both people to feel unhappy. Check out this week's Tasty Tuesday Tidbit for good help with this very common issue.
You Will Attract Who You Are (and who’s that?)
If you have anything on your list of what you want and need in a man that's there because you need to be rescued from having to be responsible for it yourself, you are going to get in deep trouble. This video will help you get on the right track!
Is Your Inner Perfectionist Kicking HIS Ass, Too?
Most of us gals have an inner critic/perfectionist, and we hear all the chatter about what's not good enough, etc., all the time. This week's video is about when that part of you turns on your man, and lets him have the same running dialogue about where he's failing....
How to Fight DD (Dating Discouragement)
Everyone hits periods of time where energy sags, enthusiasm wanes, and I've got a tip for you to get back into the swing of things!
What You Need to Know About Men and Loyalty
One of the values that men hold most dear is loyalty. This video helps you understand this and evaluate where you are with it.
Is Your Relationship with Yourself Paving the Way for a Relationship with a Good Man?
If your relationship with yourself isn't great, you can't have a great man love you. This week's video tip gives you two key ways to boost your own self-esteem.
When the Dreaded “Attachment-itis” Strikes!
If you've ever focused way too much attention on a particular outcome with a man, you've experienced an attack of this dreaded disease. This video helps you steer clear, so you can stay more in tune with abundance, and with your worthiness.
Merry Christmas!
Craig and I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!