Kick-Start your Sexy Summer

I could also have called this:

Kick-start your Summer, Sexy!

Because you are.


But I find that a lot of women do not connect with that term for themselves (even though, in their hearts, they wish it was how they could be described).

You deserve to be and feel connected to your sexiness, and to have a great time in your body.

This two-week program (just 14 days) is designed to give you support and encouragement while you:

  • nourish your sexy body
  • move your sexy body
  • rest your sexy body
  • adorn your sexy body

Get the idea?

This is not going to be some rigorous bootcamp kind of thing (unless you set it up that way for yourself).  You’re going to get to design your own two weeks, and how you want to nourish, move, rest and adorn your sexy body.

It’s meant to work for YOU.  And no one knows better than you do what will work (and what won’t), right?

What you’ll get is encouragement, accountability, community, and – of course – some fun along the way.

It’s your time to connect with that yummy, sexy, divine part of you.

And it’s hard to do, isn’t it?  We’re all moving at such a fast pace, and we’re taking care of so much.

By the way, did you know that being responsible and accountable, and being focused on producing results, is all about being tapped into your masculine energy?

Not too sexy.  And very draining!

So, carve out 14 days for yourself to take exquisite care of your sexy self

Join us on this journey!

The details:

Three calls (all recorded), on three consecutive Thursdays at 8:30p (ET):

6/28, 7/5 and 7/12

Fee: $79.00

To register, please click here.

What are you most looking forward to this summer, Sexy?






P.S. Picture yourself over the summer, feeling really connected to your sexiness, being proud of yourself, and enjoying life.  Fun, huh?  Oh, yeah, baby…

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