Make This Your Best Year Ever!
Give yourself the gift of knowing you’ll get to December 31st feeling proud and happy with yourself for what you did…
Be part of a group of women who – like you – are committed to having their best year yet.
The statistics are so awful; somewhere in the neighborhood of 75% of people never accomplish what they set out to do when they make their New Year’s resolutions, even though they’re really motivated (on January 1st).
Why does that happen?
Because most of us don’t have the support and accountability that we need to turn an intention into a reality.
A woman from a program almost two years ago (who’d been doubtful it would work because she had been trying – and failing – to do something that was important to her well-being), wrote me a note recently and shared her excitement about her success:
“I mastered this habit and have continued it since then. Amazing what sticks over time!” – Barbara, MA
How many times have you found yourself starting off strong, and then, maybe a couple of weeks into it, you run out of gas.
It just feels too hard. Too unattainable…
Or you lose touch with why it was so important to you way back when you started this (just three weeks ago).
Or everyone else is having way more fun that you are, and you’re sick of feeling like you’re in this alone.
The reasons why we bail on our resolutions can be endless.
And yet, here you are, reading this…you’re not going to quit on your dreams. You are going to go for it.
What is that thing that’s so important to you that you feel ready to do things differently (because you know that if you keep doing what you’ve done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve gotten)?
- Do you want to be in that great relationship?
- Get in fabulous shape?
- Start (or continue) a practice of gratitude?
- De-clutter, once and for all, so your environment nurtures you?
- Have your financial life on track?
- A new job? A new home?
What is it you want?
Well, you deserve to have it!
Now, there are things you have to do to partner with your worthiness, because it won’t just show up (damn it!).
Our lives are made up of our habits.
A daily habit of gratitude, or meditation, or exercise, or eating well, or decluttering, or making calls to prospects, or time with your husband or your kids, or time with online dating, or…you get the idea, right?
Any one of those things, done daily, eventually become a habit, and definitely impact the results you produce in your life in a positive way.
That’s what this 14-day Spring Into 2017 Powerfully support program is all about: giving you what you need over those critical two weeks to make sure this gets to be your best year yet.
The details:
- Three (3) one-hour conference calls, where we will work with time-tested and proven tools designed to help you experience success on your journey.
- Regular inspiring emails from me to keep you going
- Email access to me throughout the program
- Regular communication in the group to have everyone feel connected, cheer each other on, and share your journeys together – and maybe make lifetime friends!
Your investment in launching your year in the right way, so you can have what you want is only $119 (or two payments of $60 – 30 days apart), so nothing stands in your way!
To register and pay in full, [click here]
To take advantage of the two-payment plan, [click here]
You already know this: if you don’t start well, it’s going to be WAY harder to finish well. This is your year. And whatever your past has been doesn’t matter; all that is important is what you do now.
I hope you’ll join us and Spring Powerfully into having your best year yet!
P.S. Imagine how amazing you’re going to feel when, at the end of this 14 day program, you’ve successfully accomplished what you said you’d do; how proud of yourself, how powerful, and how clear that you WILL have the best year of your life!