
You've Asked and He Won't Stop – Now What?

Karen,  I am madly in love with my boyfriend, and I want to be married to him.  Here’s my concern: I’ve asked him to stop doing something that bothers me, and he hasn’t done it yet.  I’m feeling like I can’t trust him until he does what I’ve asked him to do. ...

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How Do I Get Through To Him?

Dear Karen,  Why is it that I just can’t get my husband to talk about the issues we’re dealing with?  Every time I tell him we need to sit down and talk, he either starts joking (which infuriates me!), or he suddenly has to go take care of something he forgot about. ...

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Are You His Judge, or His Partner?

Dear Karen,  My partner is doing something he shouldn’t be doing, and I don’t support him in the way he’s handling things.  He’s being sneaky about it, too, and not telling me what he’s up to.  I want to figure out how to get him to stop doing this stuff that I don’t...

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His Bad Mood Doesn't Have to Mean Yours

Dear Karen,  I am at the end of my rope.  My husband is coming home at the end of the day in such a bad mood, and he’s taking out all his crap on me.  I don’t deserve this, and I’m not going to take it.  I know he’s in a new job that is really stressful, but why does...

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