Improve Your Self-Esteem in 30 Days

Is your self-esteem keeping you from being loved the way a man wants to (…and the way you want to be loved)?

Don’t let your misguided feelings about yourself get in the way of a man doing what he’s hard-wired to do:
to  provide for, and to protect, YOU!

If you’re single, maybe you keep men away completely. Or, maybe you attract them, but they’re not men you can be truly happy with. Or maybe you manage to attract good men, only to do things that make sure they end up leaving.

If you’re already in a relationship, you may find that, instead of inspiring the provider/protector part of your man, you’re more often dealing with a man who is not who you thought he was in the beginning of your relationship. Maybe it feels like he’s being mean, or he doesn’t listen, or he just isn’t spending enough time with you, or… (which just makes feeling good about yourself all that much harder).

FACT: Self-esteem is a huge stumbling block for a lot of women AND the biggest indicator of how successful you’ll be in your relationship with a man. But the good news is – you can change just about anything in 30 days.

In this self-paced home study course, I’ll show you how you can have a better relationship with men by improving your self-esteem – all in one short month.

“I love how you go into the different aspects of self esteem and define it so clearly!!! It helps me pinpoint what my weak areas are, and acknowledge places where I’m doing OK. I really like how you are so compassionate. It was also great to learn that some of the things I thought I had to do to make a relationship successful were really a result of low self-esteem.” –  Leslie, MA

I’ve now been coaching women for almost two decades, and I’ve seen countless examples of what women do (or don’t do) because their self-esteem isn’t where it should be.

Do you:

~ Take things personally?

~ Have a hard time asking for what you need?

~ Hide your authentic self because you’re sure he won’t want the “real” you?

~ Worry that you’re not pretty/smart/thin/sexy enough to keep him around?

~ Find it hard to accept your man (the one you fell in love with)?

~ Give or do too much for him, so that he’ll love you?

~ Feel angry more often than you’d like (or that makes sense)?

~ Take all the blame for anything that isn’t working?

~ Go along with something you don’t want – and you don’t speak up about it?

~ Compromise your values to “keep the peace”?

~ Allow a man to treat you in a less-than desirable way?

If you said “yes” to even one item on the list, you’re not alone. Feelings of being not good enough, unworthy, or somehow inadequate are rampant in women today.

It just kills me to see so many gorgeous, fabulous women with so much to happiness to experience in their relationships walking around feeling badly about themselves.

It’s a shame – and it’s not necessary!

Ready to improve your self-esteem by the end of one month?

[Click here to start right away!]

So, what’s the cure?

The truth is that it’s just a decision to make a commitment to feel good about yourself, and then do what you’ve got to do. It’s not easy work. But it is simple work.

Before you go thinking that I don’t “get it”, let me assure you that I’ve been there myself.

I have been in that incredibly frustrating, lonely, scary place of trying to be happy in a relationship while not feeling great about myself. Actually, my first marriage was a product of my self-esteem being in a pretty bad place – first in choosing him, and then, even more painful, the way I behaved while we were married. Ouch!

Thankfully I did the work I needed to do, and am now happily married to Craig; a spectacular, wonderful, loving man.

I want this for you, too!

“I really enjoyed the self-esteem class and feel like I learned some new things  and have put them into practice. Things are going great! Thanks so much!” –   Chris, MA

Want to experience better self-esteem by the end of one month?

[Click here to start right away!]

In this 15-session course, designed to be done over a 30-day period, you will go from wherever your self-esteem is today, to a place where you have the tools and perspective you need to consistently choose high self-esteem in your life – and in your relationships with men.

If you want to have a high-quality relationship with a man, feeling good about yourself (and being able to convey it), is not just a good idea – it’s critically important to your ability to create and maintain a fulfilling relationship.

Think about it. Who ever heard of a woman with low self esteem and an authentically great relationship with an awesome man?  Nobody!

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

~ Where you are currently with your self-esteem (information is power)

~ The negative beliefs you have that hold you back in your life

~ How to create positive, intentional beliefs to help you get to where you want to go in your life

~ How to tame that familiar, critical voice inside your head, and replace it with a much more helpful message

~  How to consistently see and appreciate what’s great about you

“I found the section on true and limiting beliefs/intentions especially helpful. I liked the encouraging comments along the way. A lot of tools/information were  presented that were helpful.” – Ann, MA

“I am finding the exercises very helpful and very illuminating. Thank you!” –  Jennie, MA

Want to experience better self-esteem by the end of one month?

[Click here to start right away!]

I want you to be successful!

By now you know that high self-esteem is crucial to success in all areas of your life. We know you’re a very busy woman, and your life is full.

I designed this course with you in mind.

In order to support you to be successful, each session has simple exercises that can be completed in approximately 15-20 minutes. If you complete one session every two days, as it’s designed to be done, you’ll complete the program and be experiencing higher self-esteem in just 30 days.

No matter how busy you are, I’ll bet you can scare up 20 minutes out of your schedule every 2nd day, right?

Plus, you’ll get an email every two days to support you in being successful by reminding you of the session for that day. These emails are to help you keep yourself a priority in your life, and to complete the program.

Want to experience better self-esteem in 30 days?

[Click here to start right away!]

 “A big “thank you” for creating such a life-changing online course. I’ve gotten so much from it! I summarize my experience by saying that I now truly listen to the  wisdom of my soul because I’m present and focused inwards versus outwards. I   enjoyed it so much that I am going to repeat it again. Thanks for this gift of high self-esteem and worthiness.” – Heidi, MA

Are you asking yourself whether or not this will really work for you?

You may be thinking “I’ve tried other programs, and they haven’t worked. I want a proven program that works.”

There is zero risk to you in trying “Improve Your Self-Esteem (and your relationships with men) in 30 Days”. If you don’t feel that your self-esteem is better, and is supporting you in being more successful with men in 30 days, I’ll not only refund your money, but I’ll also give you a laser coaching call – for free.

Ready to experience better self-esteem by the end of the month?

[Click here to start right away!]

If you’ve got any questions, please email me:, and we’ll chat!

Wishing you great love in your life,





P.S. – Don’t wait another minute to feel better about yourself, and to have better relationships with men. Sign up for this impactful course, and watch things change. You’ll be so glad you did it!


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