For so many women, hinting is how we've been taught how to communicate our needs and feelings. For another woman, it's typically not an issue to uncover all the rest of what's going on. For men, it's a different story. This week's video will help illuminate this for...
What’s With Men and Texting?
If you're like so many women, having your feelings hurt because men are texting instead of picking up the phone, this week's Tasty Tuesday Tidbit is for you!
When You’re Not ‘In the Mood’
If you're committed to your relationship thriving, then you need to be having sex. But what if you're not in the mood? Check out this week's video for some help!
Are You Sure You Want to be in a Relationship?
This week's Tasty Tuesday Tidbit is about "the list"...the qualities a woman must have in a man she could consider as a relationship candidate. It's important you know the truth about your list!
How to Respond to Men Who Reach Out When You Aren’t Interested
If you're online dating, you know you hear from men who are not a fit (maybe all the time). It's always a good idea to respond to them, and many women have a hard time with this. Check out this week's video will help!
Give Him Space, Get More of What You Need
Do you get hurt (like I was in my first marriage) when he takes time away from you? This video will offer perspective that will help!
They All Look
Hello Karen, My boyfriend has a habit that drives me absolutely crazy, and he’s done it for most of the two years that we’ve been together: when an attractive woman walks by, he checks her out. He doesn’t even try to hide it! I mean, I’m right there with him! ...
Workaholic, or Selfless Provider?
Do you misunderstand why your man works as much, or as hard, as he does? This week's video will help you have a helpful perspective.
Your Choice: Mommy, Therapist, or Lover?
This week's Tasty Tuesday Tidbit is a reminder/caution about going too far in the role of "Mommy" or "Therapist" with your man. Of course you're going to want to (and he will want you to) provide that yummy mothering and nurturing energy at times, but too much of...
When You Cannot Help Being Judgmental
Are you being judgmental in your relationship? Do you know why? It's (probably) one of two things: you're afraid, or you cannot accept him. This week's video tip helps you explore this very tough, and painful, situation.
The Power of "You" — Using it Wisely?
If you're talking, you probably want to be heard, right? Practicing using "you" in a way that works is just plain smart...this week's video offers some help on that path.
How to Date AND Stay in Good Emotional Shape
Do you hold back from dating (more) because you're not sure you'll be able to feel good through the process? This week's video tip will give you two important things to keep in mind. And if you want help with your "blueprint", please check out my upcoming program:...
Affair-Proof Your Marriage
Dear Karen, “My husband has been getting friendly with a single woman – she’s one of his customers – and recently went out to lunch with her. He swears nothing is going on between them, but I don’t believe him. I feel like I can’t trust him. How do I get him to...
Run Away – Quickly
Dear Karen, I’ve had a few dates with this guy, and I really like him. He’s just about perfect in every way, but there have been a few signs that he’s got a bit of a temper. I’ll give you a couple of examples: one time when we were driving to dinner, and another time...
Why "Let's Just Be Friends" is a Bad Idea
If you've ever realized that a man was not a fit for you, but you suggested that you just be friends, this week's video will have you following a new plan.
Control Kills Connection
The need to feel control is very tough on relationships, and is often caused by your fear. Through the control you are seeking safety with your partner, but your controlling ways won't actually provide what you are seeking. This week's video tips should help you ease...
What Gets Measured Improves
What do you have more practice doing: measuring what isn't "there" yet, or appreciating how far you've come? This week's tip is about the value of getting really good at celebrating what's going well.
Do you WANT to be like her?
We've all been told by that "You are your mother", and for some of us that maybe be a compliment - and for some others that may be the worst insult! But, how you relate to men is ultimately attributable to how your mother related to men, and her mother related to men,...
Giving Him Effective Support
Hello Karen, I am curious what you think of this: my husband has been asking me for my opinion about something he’s struggling with, and I am feeling like it would be bad to tell him what I think. He’s already feeling badly enough about himself, without my adding to...
Attraction When Choosing a Man
Dear Karen, I have been getting tons of matches on eHarmony and am enjoying the experience so far. However, often when I look at the pictures a man has posted I know automatically I am not attracted to him, yet I feel guilty closing the match just on that reason. Am...