
Right Man, Wrong Timing?

Dear Karen, I am in love with a man I want to be with so badly.  He’s the best guy I’ve ever been with (and I’ve known many).  He’s not completely done with his divorce, and it’s pretty ugly between them right now.  They’ve got kids they’re fighting over, and they...

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Believe Him When He Says He's Not Ready

Hello Karen, I'm in a very difficult situation and unsure if I should continue it or end it before I waste more time and pain. I've been dating a man for the past 2 years.  The first year we were very on and off as he has been in the process of a divorce and he asked...

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Dating The Divorced Man

Dear Karen,  I’ve been dating a wonderful man for over a year now…I just adore him.  He’s (very) recently divorced and has two young kids he sees every other weekend and one night a week. His relationship with his ex is okay – not great, but not awful.  My question is...

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