Dear Karen, Please help me figure out how to talk with my husband about the fact that he’s become kind of a “shlump” – he’s gained weight, he doesn’t really care how he dresses, and he’s not that interested in sex these days. He was pretty hot when we first got...
Dating The Divorced Man
Dear Karen, I’ve been dating a wonderful man for over a year now…I just adore him. He’s (very) recently divorced and has two young kids he sees every other weekend and one night a week. His relationship with his ex is okay – not great, but not awful. My question is...
He's Out of Work, You're Out of Patience
Dear Karen, My partner has been unemployed for a few months now, and has basically moved in with me. I don’t feel financially strained to have him here, but I'm running out of patience. I don’t think he is working hard enough to get a job. I need him to support me...
Set Him Up To Succeed
Dear Karen, It’s that time of year again – my husband will invariably get me something I don’t want for Christmas, and ignore what I’ve told him I do want. Again. It wasn’t always like this…for the first few years, he tried to listen and to give me what I wanted. ...
What’s Wrong With My Husband?
Hi, Karen, I hope you can help me with this, because I’m at my wits’ end. If I have to trip over the over-full trash one more time, I’ll scream! What is wrong with my husband that he doesn’t do this one frickin’ simple job, when it needs to be done? Why do I have...
Getting Through The Holiday Headaches
Dear Karen, An issue arises between my man and me every Christmas. I come from a family that enjoys the holiday immensely – in all ways. Christmas is not something my man looks forward to with the same level of excitement that I do; each year, a couple of weeks...
The Trouble With Valentine's Day
If you’re like most women (from my observations), you can get yourself fairly worked up leading up to Valentine’s Day...and the media sure does throw gas on that fire! Note: If you’re a woman who doesn’t get emotionally hooked by this “Hallmark holiday”, you may...
Ways To Get What You Need
Hello, Karen, I’ve been married for many years, and am not sure I’m willing to stay in the marriage any longer. I am married to a man who is not being very cooperative. The more I explain what it is he’s doing that upsets me, the more he seems to do it. The more I...
Getting The Support You Need
Dear Karen, I am very frustrated, and I hope you can help me. My husband has become a lazy S.O.B., and seems perfectly content to let me work like a dog. When he gets home from work, he spends all his time playing on his stupid Xbox, when it should be perfectly...
Does He Even Know What You Want?
Dear Karen, I am so frustrated I could scream! I feel like I have no support at home – I feel like I’m doing it all, and alone…and meanwhile my man gets everything he needs from me (and then some!). What gives? Am I just living with the world’s most selfish man? –...
Allowing Him To Provide and Protect
Dear Karen, How do you get past your husband’s "I don't have time for this" grumpies when he’s too busy and tired to talk, and you need/want him to listen or to get his input? What’s the best way to get his cooperation? – Anonymous Dear Anon, Excellent question; now...
What You See Is What You Get
Dear Karen, I am really unhappy about something - I hope you can shed some light on why my husband is being such an idiot. He is a total workaholic, and can’t seem to carve out any time for me. I tell him how upset I get when he’s not around, and he just doesn’t...
Stop Hurting Him With Your Concern
Dear Karen, I’ve tried everything under the sun to get my husband to lose weight, because I want him to be around for a long time - and he’s got to be shortening his life with all the extra weight (not to mention I am just not that attracted to him). I’ve tried:...
Managing and Eliminating Resentment
Dear Karen, My parner is such an idiot! I give and give and give, and he shows no appreciation for the sacrifices I’m making so that we can be together (we live about 2 hours apart, and I drive to his house every weekend). He just expects me to be there, at his...
Let’s Talk About Money
Dear Karen, My husband and I can talk about anything - except money. No matter what I do or how good my intentions are at the start of the conversation, by the end we're arguing and the tension lasts for days after. There are a lot of money issues we need to discuss...
It's Not Your Job to Get Him Out of His Depression
Dear Karen, “My husband is pretty depressed. I don’t know what to do about it. He doesn’t seem to respond to any of my efforts to get through to him, or to cheer him up. It is really getting ME down, and I am having a hard time with this. How do I help him get...
You've Asked and He Won't Stop – Now What?
Karen, I am madly in love with my boyfriend, and I want to be married to him. Here’s my concern: I’ve asked him to stop doing something that bothers me, and he hasn’t done it yet. I’m feeling like I can’t trust him until he does what I’ve asked him to do. ...
How Do I Get Through To Him?
Dear Karen, Why is it that I just can’t get my husband to talk about the issues we’re dealing with? Every time I tell him we need to sit down and talk, he either starts joking (which infuriates me!), or he suddenly has to go take care of something he forgot about. ...
His Need for "Man Space"
Dear Karen, My husband insists on his “boys night out” once a month. They play poker, smoke, drink, and God-knows-what-else (he doesn’t really open up about what they do, no matter how nicely I ask). Isn’t he supposed to have outgrown that, once he got married and...
Are You His Judge, or His Partner?
Dear Karen, My partner is doing something he shouldn’t be doing, and I don’t support him in the way he’s handling things. He’s being sneaky about it, too, and not telling me what he’s up to. I want to figure out how to get him to stop doing this stuff that I don’t...