
Having the Chat About Safe Sex

Dear Karen, I’ve been dating the most wonderful, kind, sweet, sincere man I’ve ever met.  We’re getting close to being intimate – I know we’re ready for it on so many levels, but I have a huge problem: how do I bring up the topic of having safe sex without hurting his...

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Saying “No” With Ease

Hi Karen, I recently accepted a date with a man I met on who was not a good match for me because of his age (57), but I decided to go out with him anyway.  When he asked me out for a 2nd date, I said yes - mostly because I didn't know how to say no (in...

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Believe Him When He Says He's Not Ready

Hello Karen, I'm in a very difficult situation and unsure if I should continue it or end it before I waste more time and pain. I've been dating a man for the past 2 years.  The first year we were very on and off as he has been in the process of a divorce and he asked...

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Happy (?!?!) Holidays

This can be such a challenging time of year for people, partly because our expectations of experiencing all this joy, fun, love and happiness (that’s supposed to be abundant in our lives through the holidays) may not actually be happening.  In fact, quite the opposite...

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