Want a Man

Trust Your Gut When Online Dating

Dear Karen, I’ve had some interactions with a man through an online dating site that have left me a little uncomfortable.  I’m curious to get your hit on this: he asked me for my number, which I gave  him.  He then texted me and referenced the town I live in, which I...

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Why Do Men Disappear?

Hi, Karen, I have a pattern I’m seeing: I meet a man, we go out a few times, I really like him and he seems to really like me, and then he disappears.  What is going on?  I can’t take this much longer, before I just quit on the whole man thing! – Cindy, NJ Dear Cindy,...

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Why Doesn’t He Just Know What I Need?

Dear Karen, I’m getting back out there and dating, after a painful breakup.  I have a question about something that was a big issue in my relationship, and I know it’ll come up again, when I meet someone I like: I believe that if a man really cares about you, he...

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Chemistry: Good or Bad?

There can be serious risks and rewards when it comes to a relationship full of chemistry. Find out which relationship you are in, good or bad, by watching this week's video.  

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Believe Him When He Says He's Not Ready

Hello Karen, I'm in a very difficult situation and unsure if I should continue it or end it before I waste more time and pain. I've been dating a man for the past 2 years.  The first year we were very on and off as he has been in the process of a divorce and he asked...

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Happy (?!?!) Holidays

This can be such a challenging time of year for people, partly because our expectations of experiencing all this joy, fun, love and happiness (that’s supposed to be abundant in our lives through the holidays) may not actually be happening.  In fact, quite the opposite...

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The Trouble With Valentine's Day

If you’re like most women (from my observations), you can get yourself fairly worked up leading up to Valentine’s Day...and the media sure does throw gas on that fire!   Note: If you’re a woman who doesn’t get emotionally hooked by this “Hallmark holiday”, you may...

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What If He's Really Just a Jerk?

Dear Karen, It seems like it doesn't matter what I try - my husband just won't help around the house.  He's so self absorbed I dont think anything is going to work.  Can you help? - A frustrated reader Dear Frustrated, I want to delve a little more into the idea of...

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