Dear Karen, I have always struggled with my weight, and I have a fear that the reason the men I want haven't been interested in me is because of my weight/appearance. I have had more than one experience where I've e-mailed back and forth with a guy, talked on the...
Discernment, or Judgment?
Dear Karen, I’ve recently connected with a man on, and I think we could be a good fit. The problem? He won’t get off his butt and suggest we get together! This guy just wants to email back and forth, which is driving me nuts. Is he just too much of a...
Stop Hurting Him With Your Concern
Dear Karen, I’ve tried everything under the sun to get my husband to lose weight, because I want him to be around for a long time - and he’s got to be shortening his life with all the extra weight (not to mention I am just not that attracted to him). I’ve tried:...
Are You His Judge, or His Partner?
Dear Karen, My partner is doing something he shouldn’t be doing, and I don’t support him in the way he’s handling things. He’s being sneaky about it, too, and not telling me what he’s up to. I want to figure out how to get him to stop doing this stuff that I don’t...