karen jones

How to Get Him to Propose

Dear Karen,  I’ve been with my boyfriend for about 18 months now, and it’s been really great lately.  In fact, I’ve decided recently that I want to marry him.  My question to you is this: how do I get him to propose to me soon?  I want to have us be in the same home,...

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It's Not Your Job to Get Him Out of His Depression

 Dear Karen,  “My husband is pretty depressed.  I don’t know what to do about it.  He doesn’t seem to respond to any of my efforts to get through to him, or to cheer him up.  It is really getting ME down, and I am having a hard time with this.  How do I help him get...

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You've Asked and He Won't Stop – Now What?

Karen,  I am madly in love with my boyfriend, and I want to be married to him.  Here’s my concern: I’ve asked him to stop doing something that bothers me, and he hasn’t done it yet.  I’m feeling like I can’t trust him until he does what I’ve asked him to do. ...

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How Do I Get Through To Him?

Dear Karen,  Why is it that I just can’t get my husband to talk about the issues we’re dealing with?  Every time I tell him we need to sit down and talk, he either starts joking (which infuriates me!), or he suddenly has to go take care of something he forgot about. ...

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His Need for "Man Space"

Dear Karen,  My husband insists on his “boys night out” once a month.  They play poker, smoke, drink, and God-knows-what-else (he doesn’t really open up about what they do, no matter how nicely I ask).  Isn’t he supposed to have outgrown that, once he got married and...

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Are You His Judge, or His Partner?

Dear Karen,  My partner is doing something he shouldn’t be doing, and I don’t support him in the way he’s handling things.  He’s being sneaky about it, too, and not telling me what he’s up to.  I want to figure out how to get him to stop doing this stuff that I don’t...

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His Bad Mood Doesn't Have to Mean Yours

Dear Karen,  I am at the end of my rope.  My husband is coming home at the end of the day in such a bad mood, and he’s taking out all his crap on me.  I don’t deserve this, and I’m not going to take it.  I know he’s in a new job that is really stressful, but why does...

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Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Dear Karen, When a man shows you time and time again from his actions that he loves you but still says he isn’t ready to commit to living with you or marrying you, how long should you wait for him to commit? ~ Terry, CA Dear Terry, Well, this question should have...

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