Hi Karen, I’m going to my family’s home in Ohio for Christmas, and I am dreading it. I’ll be around a bunch of nosy, judgmental family members that I don’t even like, and they’re going to get on my case about being unmarried. I hate it! It happens every year, and...
Believe Him When He Says He's Not Ready
Hello Karen, I'm in a very difficult situation and unsure if I should continue it or end it before I waste more time and pain. I've been dating a man for the past 2 years. The first year we were very on and off as he has been in the process of a divorce and he asked...
He's Out of Work, You're Out of Patience
Dear Karen, My partner has been unemployed for a few months now, and has basically moved in with me. I don’t feel financially strained to have him here, but I'm running out of patience. I don’t think he is working hard enough to get a job. I need him to support me...
What’s Wrong With My Husband?
Hi, Karen, I hope you can help me with this, because I’m at my wits’ end. If I have to trip over the over-full trash one more time, I’ll scream! What is wrong with my husband that he doesn’t do this one frickin’ simple job, when it needs to be done? Why do I have...
The Trouble With Valentine's Day
If you’re like most women (from my observations), you can get yourself fairly worked up leading up to Valentine’s Day...and the media sure does throw gas on that fire! Note: If you’re a woman who doesn’t get emotionally hooked by this “Hallmark holiday”, you may...
Does He Even Know What You Want?
Dear Karen, I am so frustrated I could scream! I feel like I have no support at home – I feel like I’m doing it all, and alone…and meanwhile my man gets everything he needs from me (and then some!). What gives? Am I just living with the world’s most selfish man? –...
What You See Is What You Get
Dear Karen, I am really unhappy about something - I hope you can shed some light on why my husband is being such an idiot. He is a total workaholic, and can’t seem to carve out any time for me. I tell him how upset I get when he’s not around, and he just doesn’t...
Managing and Eliminating Resentment
Dear Karen, My parner is such an idiot! I give and give and give, and he shows no appreciation for the sacrifices I’m making so that we can be together (we live about 2 hours apart, and I drive to his house every weekend). He just expects me to be there, at his...